Over the last few months, you may have noticed, that the blog posts have been a bit slim on the ground. There are several reasons for this.
Not least the main reason is that I lost my Dad to a congenital liver disease. He was a very poorly man and finally lost the battle back in July.
Please excuse me, but I am sure you can all understand I have not really up to blogging.
I also have felt that I have not had much to say on the battle with fibro. I am still plodding on.
As you all know fibro is made worse by stress. with one thing and another the stress of the last six months has laid me low. I have had court appointment, financial worries, domestic appliance break downs, children who simply won't do homework and so on.
Now, the last thing I want is this blog to turn into a poor me page; and so I have had very little to say. I was always told that if you have nothing positive to say, then say nothing at all.
But after a few hellish weeks/months I am hoping things are on the up. One or two stressful factors of my life have reached a satisfying conclusion.
I am back with Slimming World and they are doing me the power of good. I have lost nearly a stone. It fluctuates a little but all in all it is working.
The 5-htp still works like a dream. I ran out but acquired and new consignment yesterday.
My family are wonderful. I am getting to see my siblings and Mother more than I was.
So as you can see, the fibro experiment is back in full swing. Here is to a healthier future. xxx
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