Thursday, 24 May 2012

Phyto Success

I would like to share my success with you all.
I am now a proud and happy phytotherapist. I even have certificates to prove it.
Quoted from the e-mail sent from the collage,
"Congratulations on completing the final examination for your Master Herbalist Level 5 NCFE Diploma course.
On behalf of the College we have reviewed your performance throughout your course and in line with NCFE regulations, your overall result for the course has been awarded a "DISTINCTION".
It is worth noting that this is the highest achievement you can achieve for this course. Well done on this excellent achievement, your effort throughout the course has been of a very high standard and we wish you all the success for the future."

I'm rather pleased.

Lovely Laugharne.

I have recently begun a stretch of work for CADW.
I am to play Lady Perrot the 16th century lady of Laugharne Castle.
To be honest I was more than a little daunted by the idea of two days on my feet giving castle tour to tourists. however, what a wonderful surprise awaited me.
I am now under the firm belief that more movement it the way to help with my back pain.
I am usually crippled by the pain and have trouble walking. suffering from extreme moring stiffness and it makes me a miserable bunny. I expected a weekend of having to smile through the pain and getting on wioht it.

Well, this was not the case. Don't get me wrong, Laugharne is not offering a miracle fibro cure with it delicious sea air. But being more mobile made a huge difference.
I also thing having DD on hand and being surrounded with happy people, full of enthusiasm for what I do was a huge boost to my mood.
It is always sunny Laugharne. Sun is our friend! Vitamin D and serotonin a  plenty makes for a happier fibroite.

DD and I fell in love with the place. There is more about that on the other blog however. Tales from the Tinyholding which is a much less fibro related blog. (Surprise, there is more to life than fibro).

So, the Laugharne part of the experiment suggests I should be doing more. Time to get the yoga DVDs out!