Well, not as much as I would have liked. I have made lists and done some research but all while sat on my butt!
I can't wait! |
DD and I are starting to cut things from our diets in the vain hope of getting into a better state of health.
I have realised I will need to keep barefoot for the foreseeable future to stop my feet reverting to their sappy softness as they do over winter. I have had my first few forays of the season out and about without shoes, and have realised, unlike DD, I have a way to go yet.
I've been quite surprised by the amount of people who are shocked we are planning it barefoot. Don't they know DD and I? We wouldn't consider doing it any other way!
sponsorships have started to trickle in. I'm very encouraged by this as we have 14 months to go.
A huge thank you is due to my dear friend, Ren. The first words of encouragement and the first generous donation. She really is a wonderful person and I love her lots. I shall be holding her to her promise of meeting us at the end with a chilled glass of fizz!
Soapy Sensations' lovely foot scrub! |
Obviously DD and I need to look after our feet and prepare for the long journey. DD is a bit prone to cracked heals and my feet have a tendency to become fibro sore on hard surfaces. Apart from the endless training we need to do, I have also invested in some wonderful soap to help us along the way. It comes from a lovely lady named Helen (all the best people are named Helen). She can be found
here on Facebook. You can buy her wonderful products
here, in her on-line shop. She hand makes all of her product and is a pleasure to deal with. Do check out her
ducky soaps. Ducks hold a special place in my heart, ducks with soap? how perfect!
DD and I are also going to try to make sure we have plenty of photographs of our endeavours so they will, no doubt, end up here. Or perhaps on DD's
website and blog.
FMA UK have been wonderfully supportive and have offered to cover both our progress and the walk itself. they have even offered to supply us with company and/or supporters from the various support groups. We will be sporting FMA UK t-shirts for at least part of the walk (five days in the same shirt could become a bit ripe).
We will be looking into B&B's or hotels soon enough. I wonder if any hotels would like to put us up for a bit of promotion here and through FMA UK? Worth asking do you think?
I also need to look into emergency shoes. I need something light that will stow away, suitable for walking and reasonably priced.
I doubt, and hope, I won't have to wear them. But if an hour in shoes enables me to do a few more hours walking, and many more miles, I may have to be sensible.
Although I am doing this to raise awareness of Fibromyalgia. I must not forget that I am a sufferer myself. I must keep an eye on my limitations to make sure I finish. Failure is NOT AN OPTION!
My next task is to cut the walk into sensible bites over five days. To plan our accommodation and stops.
Time to get my head down and start researching.